J Horsley III

Seattle, WA
TikTok – @y2cl.net
Twitter – @y2cl
Instagram – @y2cl
Facebook – @y2cl.net
Eynes Stories:
Some Days – Writer
Camelot’s Gift – Writer
The Black Hand – Inker
The Wanderer – Colors
Nancy Eynes: Krampus Killer – Colors
The Story of Ben Eynes – Colors
Bessie & Arthur – Writer
Missionary Soup – art
The Story Between – Writer/Artist
Other work:
Everything else on this website
Supernatural Baby Detective (colors)
The Man without a name. Truly, John’s legal first name is just the letter J, no bullshit. Don’t believe it? Find him at a convention and he will prove it to you, with some sarcastic comments. Creator of several web-comics and co-host of the Spoiler Country and Haphazard Adventures podcast. John spent some time prior to getting into comics recording music in a few different indie bands that never went very far out of the Seattle area. Most importantly, father of 5 amazing kids and husband to a beautiful wife.
Quick Synopsis of your stories:
“Camelot’s Gift” – Nothing is as it seems for a detective who has been tracking the demon Camelot for quite some time.
“The Story Between” – Code Eynes can relive the stories of his family, can he escape Camelot before the end?
Why did you join this project?
Join? I created this project as a way to expand on an idea I had and create the lore and backstory to an entire world of characters with the help of other talented people.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Certainly not Bill Finger.
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Dopey, Sleepy, Bashful, Doc, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy.
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
Anything where you are possessed but still conscious.
Rick Bugbee

Jackson, Michigan, USA
Instagram – @bugbeerick
Eynes Stories:
Some Days – art
Camelot’s Gift -art
Fates Lonely Passage – art
I’m a self taught artist who has roamed the wilds of Michigan all my life.
Why did you join this project?
During one of my thousands of hikes through deep dark wilderness, I came a upon a tree. On this tree carved into its wooden flesh, two word: Eynes Anthology…ok John asked me if I wanted to do some art for this cool book idea. The rest is history.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Batman can defeat 51 percent of all heroes and villains in a multitude of comic book universes.
Can you name all Seven Dwarves? Can I name all seven dwarves?
Yes I can.
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
Scariest scenario, ghost snakes on the invisible plane.
Greg Smith
Seattle, WA
Twitter – @thatamazingtwit
Instagram – @thatamazingtwit
Eynes Stories:
Nate Ersatz and the Skinwalkers – writer
Other work:
Junior Braves of the Apocalypse
Co-creator of Junior Braves of the Apocalypse for Oni Press, Greg hails form the mean streets of the pacific north west. When he’s not making ballon animals or the most delicious pizza known to man, he’s writing the greatest stories you are about to read.
Quick synopsis of your story:
Nate and his sister Kayce are tailing a Skinwalker, are they in over there heads?
Why did you join this project?
I joined this project for two reasons 1) I wanted to try my hand at a unique story telling situation like this. I felt that the challenge of story telling in a timeline an having it blend with others to make a cohesive tale sounded awesome. 2) I have wanted to work with John Horsely for as long as I have known him. The thought of his art wrapping my story like warm blanket makes my feel warm, and you should too.

Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Wonder Woman. Straight up.
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Yes, but the real question is who of the Seven Dwarves would win in a fight? Grumpy with his Grump Strength.
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
The scariest supernatural scenario is the one where you go to a party and everything is going great. The music is swell, the girl or guy you like is there and they look like they are into you, and there is box of tacos. Sure the tacos have been there since the start of the party and you got there fashionably late. You are a champ and you have an iron gut, so you power through a few tacos in few minutes. 20 Minutes later you are dealing with inside sweats and cramps, you have bubble guts. You run off to the bathroom to empty your butt, as you head into the bathroom people start to play with sacred object. The object releases a supernatural entity that terrorizes the party goers. Each of the party goers is then mutilated by the supernatural entity. The entity leaves you alone as you were not one who bothered its slumber. Upon slaying the last party goer the entity is sated and returns to the object. As you exit the bathroom the police have arrived and arrest you for the murders of the party goers.
You try to tell them the only thing you murdered was the toilet but they book you for the party murder.
Nikki Powers

Twitter – @fivexxfive
Eynes Stories:
Some Days – letters
The Sallow Heart – letters
The Crossed Paths – letters
The Black Hand – letters
The Wanderer – letters
Nate Ersatz and the Skinwalkers – letters
Nancy Eynes: Krampus Killer – letters
Something Borrowed – letters
Story Between – letters
Nikki is a talented letterist who has worked on many indie comics.
Kenric Regan
Seattle, Washinton, USA
Twitter – @xkenricx
Instagram – @kenricregan
Eynes Stories:
Nancy Eynes: Krampus Killer – writer
Other work:
Co-Host of the Spoiler Country Podcast.
Name of your story:
Nancy Eynes: Krampus Killer
Quick synopsis of your story:
Nancy works for the big guy, killing the things that steal the children.
Why did you join this project?
There wasn’t a story set in the 1990’s nor a holiday story, so I made one.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.

Casey T. Allen

Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Twitter – @robotseatguitar
Instagram – @caseytallen
Eynes Work:
Co-Editor – Book One
The Sallow Heart – writer
Other work:
Voodoo Chile
Bigfoot Knows Karate
The former Alabama Moon Pie Eating Champion and record holder, Casey Allen is a family man in the wilds of the south. Casey’s first foray in to comics began as a writer and editor for www.thecomicjam.com. Check them out every week for new comics.
Quick synopsis of your story:
A young girl is given a glimpse of the evil that lurks in men’s souls, and the goodness that arrives from unexpected places.
Why did you join this project?
Someone had to reign Horsley in so that he’d only do eight projects at a time rather than his preferred number of 37. In all honesty, I think they had all but wrapped up the written portion of the anthology when I proposed my idea for a story. John had told me about his plans for this anthology and it compelled me enough to want to try and play in this sandbox.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Whoever is writing, I guess. I hate the idea that Batman is so smart that he had more contingency plans than anyone else. He’s a wealthy playboy. If he was really so smart he’d be on a yacht with a scandalous amount of supermodels living the dream.
Can you name all seven dwarves?
No, but I can name all current Supreme Court Justices.
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
In another life I worked for a moving service. I was tasked one day with packing boxes in a historic home in Birmingham’s Southside neighborhood. I was alone in the upstairs library (I was the only person in the house) and I heard someone calling my name from across the room. I looked around and no one was there…NO ONE. When my moving partner and the client finally got back to the house I told them what happened and the woman said “yeah, that happens all the time”.
Travis Webb
Nevada, USA
Eynes Work:
The Black Hand – writer
Travis is a profession writer and script consultant. During the early 2000’s he was a journalist. He moved on to become a technical writer. For the last ten years he has been a consultant for film and other writing projects . He is the former apprentice of True Crime novelist and “The Saint” writer Burl Barer and has helped on countless projects.
Quick synopsis of your story:
Black Hand is the story of soldiers in WW1 investigating a disappearance.
Why did you join this project?
Greg from “Junior Scouts of the Apocalypse” asked me if I would be down to do a war horror comic.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Literally anyone with a super-power that isn’t Condiment Man.
Can you name all seven dwarves?
No. I don’t watch porn.
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
My dad rolling his tongue between his teeth when he was angry. Once the Catholic School next to my house had a 100% pregnancy rate for the senior class. I am told there was something in the water.

Greg Woronchak

Eynes Work:
The Black Hand – pencils
Other Work:
Belial – Art
Jonly Nonly #13 “War-N-Chak” – pencils/inks
Why did you join this project?
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
Rob Toal
New York, NY, USA
Instagram – @robtoal
Eynes Work:
The Sallow Heart – Art
Rob Toal is a painter and comics creator born and bred in NYC. He studied fine arts painting and illustration at the School of Visual Arts. He lives in the Bronx where, along with his wife, he’s being held hostage by a thoroughly beautiful and highly intelligent little girl.
Why did you join this project?
I was shown the script when another artist was attached and I really liked it. When it became available, I jumped at the chance to work with Casey again.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Bartman. Bartman always wins.
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Yes, but I believe they already have names.
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
There’s this being in the sky who knows everything you do and think. An omnipotent being with seemingly low self esteem, he needs constant reassurance of your “love” or else you will be tortured for all of eternity. But maybe, just maybe, with enough devotion, you’ll be allowed to live in his magic house.

Joseph S-Pell

United Kingdom
Eynes Work:
The Crossed Paths – writer
Teacher and new writer. Based in Britain’s south west.
Fleeing from danger, a man faces the pasts of himself and his family, whilst contemplating the future over a pint in a pub.
Why did you join this project?
I joined this project because I wanted to experiment with the horror genre, having never really written for it before.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Batman keeps everyone in check. That doesn’t mean he has to beat them in a fight to do it… which he can’t, even with prep time.
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Sneazy, happy, bashful, dopey, doc, grumpy, one who has yet to discover coffee.
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
Scariest supernatural scenario is probably the Fetch scenario, where you come home to find that you’re entire life has been replaced by someone else and they’ve been doing it better. Everything that made you you belong to them and you are unwanted. And that’s the why Changeling the lost is such a good table top game to play.
Sebastian Varela Baino
Eynes Work:
The Crossed Path – Art
Sebastian Varela Baino is an artist living in Argentina. His heart runs on gallons of the deepest, blackest india ink. You have been warned.
Why did you join this project?
I joined because the editor liked my art and I liked the script. It gave me real potential to try new art ideas that had been living in my head.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Definitely Catwoman. She is so hot.
Can you name all seven dwarves?
I don’t know the translation, but I think it goes: The Little Stupid, Lazy, Angry, Sleepy, and I don’t remember the rest.
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
Me trying to dance to Reggeaton and Enrique Iglesias songs.

JW Sims

Instagram – @hooligan_alley
Eynes Work:
The Black Hand– Colorist
Something Borrowed Colorist
Why did you join this project?
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
Denis Caron
California, USA
Eynes Work:
Camelot’s Gift – Colorist
Why did you join this project?
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.

Michael Tanner

California, USA
Eynes Work:
The Wanderer – writer
Other Work:
Junior Braves of the Apocalypse
Born in Montana, formed in Washington, excelling in California. Michael Tanner is a writer of fictions living Los Angeles California.
Quick synopsis of your story:
A very bad man acts very badly.
Why did you join this project?
I looked at it like a writing prompt exercise, (which you never really get with comics), that would actually be carried through to completion. And it’s fun to play with someone else’s toys.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
They always say Batman, if he’s prepared. But that’s the case for anyone isn’t? Howard the Duck could beat Superman…if he’s “prepared.”
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Yes. CAN YOU!!!?!?!?!?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
The tagline for the original Dawn of Dead…if you take it literally, it’s pretty frightening “When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.”
Clayton Hollifield
Washington, USA
Instagram – @clayolio
Eynes Work:
The Wanderer – artist
Other Work:
San Gwynn
Why did you join this project?
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.

Dennis Tirona

Eynes Work:
Something Borrowed– artist
Other Work:
Why did you join this project?
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
J. Paul Schiek
California, USA
Twitter – @schiekapedia
Instagram – @schiekapedia
Eynes Work:
Nate Ersatz and the Skinwalkers – art
Story Between – art
Why did you join this project?
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.

DC Alanso

Twitter – @daviddelacal
Instagram – @dc_alanso
Eynes Stories:
Some Days – Colorist
DC Alanso is a colorist living in Spain. He’s done work for Dark Horse Comics, Lion Forge, IDW and Aftershock. In addition to his comics work, he’s taught Digital Color Illustration at Factory Arte in Bilbao, Spain.
Why did you join this project?
Because John asked me.
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with superpowers?
Batman always
Can you name the seven dwarves?
Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey
Describe the most terrifying supernatural scenario of all time.
A world where you only stay alive and there is nobody to chat with
Scott Godlewski
Arizona, USA
Twitter – @scottygod
Eynes Stories:
Nancy Eynes: Krampus Killer – art
Why did you join this project?
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.

T.S. Black

United Arab Emerites
Eynes Stories:
Something Borrowed – writer
Part-time daydream, part-time slacker, full-time headcase. I make castles spoken words, empires out of unspoken thoughts, universes from wistful dreams, and infinite adventures from a single breath. Also, a purveyor of shrieks, screams, and goosebumps.
Quick synopsis of your story:
All Scarlet ever wanted was to be loved, loved for who she was and not what she was. Little did she know just how much her love would cost her.
Why did you join this project?
You had me at “Supernatural Thriller/Horror”
Who would win in a fight, Batman or literally anyone with super-powers?
Bats leads. Others follow.
Can you name all seven dwarves?
Er… Can I google the answer?
Describe the scariest supernatural scenario ever.
Me. Me staring back at me