Some Days...

Darius wants to defend his people and calls for aid from his kin. The aid comes, but not how he envisions. A story of intrigue, betrayal, and the brutality of evil.
Aislinn Eynes: Leader of the Angels among men
Darius Eynes: A young human, and a leader of the West human armies.
Gamrell: A dwarf.
Demon Leader: A demon leading the army of Camelot.
Lorelai: An old wise man.
Samara: The second in command of the angels.
Uriel: A wise man. Practitioner of the dark arts.
Wayland: A human. Wants to help the angels.
Writter | J Horsley III
Illustrator | Rick Bugbee
Colors | DC Alonso
Letters | Nikki Powers
The Sallow Heart
A young girl is given a glimpse of the evil that lurks in men’s souls and the goodness that arrives from unexpected places.
Edric The Wicked: A monk driven mad for power after The Black Plague ravaged England.
The Golem: A soulless creature created from the ashes of the Eynes family by the power hungry Edric
Ava Eynes: The last known member of the Eynes clan.
Written | Casey Allen
Art | Rob Toal
Letters | Nikki Powers

The Crossed Paths

On the run from Oliver Cromwell’s army, a travel weary Nathaniel stops at a tavern ran by someone pretending to be something she’s not. Things get testy. Things get hot.
Nathaniel Eynes: A witch-finder and trusted man for the king. Not a great thing to be when the king’s no longer in possession of his head.
Agnes: A barkeep with a big secret.
Written | Joesph S-Pell
Art | Sebastian Varela Baino
Letters | Nikki Powers
The Black Hand - Part One
Story takes place in WW1. Erva, an American, is sent to investigate what happened to the Kings personal gardeners, who were sent to fight in a supposedly less dangerous front in the war in the Turkish countryside.
Erva Eynes: Has a deep knowledge of the paranormal.
Right rifle: Tall with a strong mustache.
Left rifle: Older with a curled mustache. Weathered look.
Ammo Left:
Ammon Right:
Written | Travis Webb
Pencils | Gregory Woronchak
Inks | J Horsley III
Colors | JW Sims
Letters | Nikki Powers

Camelot's Gift

Jack is on the trail of the killer demon Camelot as he terrorizes London. He’s on the way home after a long night of hunting when he hears a crash…coming from his apartment.
Jack Eynes: A paranormal detective. Hard working. Hard drinking. Hard loving. Jack Eynes has seen it all, or so he thinks. Now he’s watching everything crash around his feet in a violent and bloody mess. Will he pick up the pieces? Of course he will, he’s an Eynes. He will pick them up or he will die trying.
Camelot: As old as mankind itself, Camelot has existed on the outside of man’s daily life waiting for the opportunity to create death and destruction. Seeing a power in the Eynes family early on, Camelot has wasted no opportunity to do his best to eradicate the family so that he might one day cause the destruction of mankind and finally reign supreme as the ruler of this realm.
Written | J Horsley III
Illustrated | Rick Bugbee
Colors | Denis Caron
The Wanderer
Gibson Eynes, a member of the Eynes line of those sensitive to the paranormal occurrences in the natural world, is a rambler and a sociopath. He cares not for the damage he’s done, or the families broken in his wake.
Gibson Eynes: A descendant if the Eynes family line Also, a sociopath
Missy: One of the many misled young women that end up notches on the belt of Gibson Eynes
Sandy: A friend of Shirley
Shirley: A distracted mother
Baby: A young boy who will take part in what is every parent’s worst nightmare.
Written | Michael Tanner
Art | Clayton Hollifield
Colors | J Horsley III
Letters | Nikki Powers

Nate Ersatz and the Skinwalkers

Curiosity killed the cat, but in this case “curiosity” is a mythical Navajo witch bent on spreading evil and disorder. Nate and his sister are in the wrong place at the wrong time. There’s no way that this ends well.
Nate Ersatz: A young boy detective. Brother to Kaycey.
Kaycey Ersatz: A young girl detective. Sister to Nate.
Skin-walker: In Navajo culture, a skin-walker is a type of harmful witch that wears the skin of an animal to disguise itself to wreak havoc and terrorize unsuspecting victims.
Written | Greg Smith
Art | J. Paul Shieck
Letters | Nikki Powers
Nancy Eynes: Krampus Killer
It’s Christmas Eve. Do you know where your children are? Krampus does. And Nancy is here to save them.
Nancy Eynes: A monster hunter.
Krampus: A mythological character that feeds off of bad children .
Santa: The Jolly Old Elf, himself.
Written | Kenric Regan
Art | Scott Godlewski
Colors | J Horsley III
Letters | Nikki Powers

Something Borrowed

Scarlet Eynes and her school friends are considering sneaking out of the boarding school dorm for a night on the town. A demon possessed group of friends scatters those plans.
Scarlet Eynes: Teenage student who just wants to escape her families legacy.
Dorthy: a student at a boarding school.
Edith: a student at a boarding school.
Marsh: a student at a boarding school.
Lee: a student at a boarding school.
Kelly: a student at a boarding school.
Written | T.S. Black
Art | Dennis Tirona
Colors | JW Sims
Letters | Nikki Powers
The Story Between
Code Eynes is desperately attempting to record his family’s story and pass it on in hopes that it will lead to the defeat of the evil being known as Camelot. Will he succeed, or will a centuries old curse stop him dead in his tracks
Code Eynes: A teenage member of the Eynes Family, Code has an interest in his adoptive family’s history.
Camelot: …
Written | John Horsley
Art | J. Paul Schiek/J Horsley III
Letters | Nikki Powers