What the heck is a Jonly Nonly?
From the hit web-comic of the same name, comes the serialized comic series no one asked for, but you’re damned well gonna love…Jonly Nonly! Each issue of this series like no other contains 24 pages of…were gonna call it story, yeah story, that takes a loose inspiration from the original web-comic. How long can we possibly make a series like this last? As long as they let me, and no one is stopping me…yet.
Looking for the Jonly Nonly web-comic? Click here. | Read Jonly Nonly on Tapas. | Read Jonly Nonly on Fables.pro
Chapter One: Everything Needs and Intro, So Why Not This?
What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?
A very confused zoo keeper.
Jonly Nonly is a humar based series that also dives into questioning things in our every day lives. What started out as a joke drawing Kaylie Horsley did to her husband John has, in her words, “gone too far”. Originally a caricature of John and his friend Jeff, John took it upon himself to take these drawings into illustrator and vectorize them. He then proceeded to make a new Web-Comic for around a decade with this characters, making sure the whole way Kaylie got full credit as an artist on the series. A fact that she wishes wasn’t true.
After it was decided that the web-comic should come to an end John wasn’t done with the series just yet. He thought “I wonder what I could do if I took these our of gag strips and made a sequential comic out of it!” Well, a year later and he has completed the first 5 (of 10) 24 page issues of Jonly Nonly.
There is no reason for this series to exist, it just does.
Features cameos from:
- Inanimate
- Sergeant Blinky and his Brigade of Fantastic
- The Reset Button!
- Furry Animal Mayhem
- Fuzzy Memory
- y2cl
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant by Ble Art

The book that starts it all. A cacophony of bad jokes, some ok jokes, and one man’s battle with his brain to fight off sleep.
Learn about our main case, Jonly Nonly, Calvereena, and Jeffers! Meet some recurring background characters with Pot, Kettle, Blinky, and Awesome-Stance!
This is the first book that takes the web-comics from 2008 through 2012, re-writing and re-creating 90% of them into a more sequential story format. Is there a story? There’s as much story in this issue as there is Swifts in Taylor. What does that mean? I have no idea, but she is popular right now so maybe mentioning her will make you want to buy this book. No, there is not a single Swift joke or comment in the book, just here in this description. Bask in the glory of Jeffers bad jokes, marvel at Jonly’s social commentary, and sit in awe at Calvereen’s chillness.
Features cameos from
- Cover A – Regular Cover by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant by Kaylie
- Cover C – TH3 Comics Variant by Kodi
- Cover D – Super Duper Limited It’s not a Halloween Comics it’s Just a Variant Cover Variant by J Horsley III
- Cover E – Nude Variant by J Horsley III
- Cover F – Blank Variant
Jonly Nonly #1 – Something, Something First Book is the second in the series, and the second in Chapter One – Every thing needs an intro, so why not this?

What’s the absolute best thing to do with your second issue? Do a Christmas themed cross-over with other comics you created that are no longer being made!
What was originally a giant cross over with various web-comics in 2010 is now a full 24 page comic of complete randomness and cameos from web-comics you’ve probably never read! And it’s Christmas themed! Get introduced to more characters that show up later in the series, like Bernard and Larry!
Features cameos from:
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant (wrap around) by Laurent Rivas
- Cover C – TH3 Comics Variant by Jakob
- Cover D – Variant (wrap around) by Laurent Rivas
Jonly Nonly #2: It’s the Great Christmas Crossover, Jonly is the second in the series, and the second in Chapter One – Every thing needs an intro, so why not this?

We meet a new character, Earf, who joins the main cast!The True story of one man who breaks his back and gets robot legs. He pleads to anyone who will listen cause he want’s his legs back since when they took his that also took his lil’ Jonly. Does he get his legs back? Does he keep the robot legs for adventures in the future? Find out by reading this issue!
And something about the end of the world, I dunno, I wasn’t paying attention.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Sepia Variant by JB Panotes
- Cover C – TH3 Comics Variant by Saidey
- Cover D – Dark Variant by JB Panotes
- Cover E – Variant by JB Panotes
- Cover F – Black and White(ish) by JB Panotes
Jonly Nonly #3: Mecha is the third in the series, and the third in Chapter One – Every thing needs an intro, so why not this?
In 2015 Jonly participated in 24 hour Comics Day! And after a few revisions this is the story of Jonly telling stories about some of his favorite characters.
So sit back and let Jonly tell you some stories that will blow you mind! Ok, truth be told they will make you go ‘hey, that was kinda cool!’ That’s something though!
Features cameos from:
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Green Lantern #85 Homage by Ram Sandoval
- Cover C – TH3 Comics Variant by Tegan
- Cover D – Variant (OG Cover) by J Horsley III
Jonly Nonly #4 – Storytime with Jonly! is the fourth in the series, and the fourht in Chapter One – Every thing needs an intro, so why not this?

Earf is back and he’s here to nerd out about Star Wars. Why did we do a full issue on Star Wars? Are we giant Star Wars fans here? Well Earf sure is, and it’s easy canon fodder for jokes.
A bunch of nerds to see Star Wars. One of them doesn’t know anything about the Star Wars (This is a reference to the fourth comic strip I ever did called Star Wars.)
They also play a card came themed on Star Wars but uses that other popular TCFG game mechanics.
Oh, there’s some jokes and stuff, too.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Star Wars #1 Homage by J Horsley III
- Cover C – TH3 Comics Variant by Jack
- Cover D – Star Wars with Trek Font by J Horsley III
- Cover E – Star Wars Classic Movie Logo Variant by J Horsley III
- Cover F – Star Wars New Movie Logo Variant by J Horsley III
Jonly Nonly #5 – A Nonly Far, Far Away is the fifth in the series, and the fifth and final in Chapter One – Every thing needs an intro, so why not this?
Chapter Two: Unfavorable Reactions from the Dramatis Personae
Collecting Issues 6-10.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant by Ble Art

What lesson will they learn?
To not make such random jokes in the pages of an actual comic? To get better artwork so it’s not so…bad? Will they learn about equality and caring for their fellow human? Will they learn about the joys of seeing a Star Wars movie? about the joys of Christmas?
How about learning all about the other creators the helped build Marvel comics? A valuable lesson about collecting? Go on an epic fishing trip with Jeffers and Earf and learn the true meaning of friendship?
Well Calvereena suddenly become a professor and teach a class on science? Is he going to explain to you what a Deuterostome is?
Did I just look through the issue and list out all the topics in the book to make this list? Well, not all.
Oh, you also get a cross over with The Eynes Anthology that no one asked for but needed.
Note: there is one cameo from Inanimate, can you find it?
Jonly Nonly #6 – A Lesson Learned is the sixth in the series, and the first in Chapter Two – Unfavorable Reactions from the Dramatis Personae
- Cover A – Regular Cover by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Archie’s Pal Jughead #87 Homage by Laurent Rivas
- Cover C – Archie’s Pal Jughead #87 Homage Vintage Variant by Laurent Rivas
We all need some more learning…right? I know most of our politicians do. Let’s not make this political, we’ll leave that to y2cl-Daily.
What does Back to School offer you? How about borderline racist jokes? Geography? Poo Gremlins? MATH! SCIENCE!
Excited yet?
Uhh, well there’s also THREE PAGES dissecting the tragedy that is Batman V Superman!
All of that plus a talent show, a glowing demon girl, and an escape plan by Calvereena, Jeffers, and Earf to yell at me. And some pretty interesting editorial choise that makes me wonder what the editor is even doing!
Oh, there’s also pixelated dongs.
Jonly Nonly #7 – Back to School is the seventh in the series, and the second in Chapter Two – Unfavorable Reactions from the Dramatis Personae
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant by Laurent Rivas

Jeffers is gone…does any body care?
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant by Laurent Rivas
How do you cut off a cat’s tail?
You lock it in the basement.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III

Jonly and friends are out for revenge.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
Chapter Three: Notebooks are the Damndest Things
Collecting Issues 11-16.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant by Ble Art

K-Dizzle is hosting game night, nothing could go wrong here…right?
- Cover A – Regular Cover by JB Panotes
- Cover B – Sketch Variant by JB Panotes
It’s always good to relax, play some games, fish a little, hit up a market, and talk to weird randos.
- Cover A – Regular by Bangboy

It’s the march…of WAR! or something. Anyway, Seargeant Blinky and Lt. Awesome-Stance (from Sergeant Blinky and his Brigade of Fantastic!)guest star.
- Cover A – Regular by Greg Waronchak
The mansion is haunted…or something. Oh, and Calerveena gets with a Succubus.
- Cover A – Regular by JB Panotes

Jonly decides everyone needs an office job…and he uses it to rant about nonsense he thinks is important.
- Cover A – Regular by JB Panotes
- Cover B – Justice League Homage Variant by Laurent Rivas
- Cover C – Variant by JB Panotes
- Cover D – Sketch Variant by JB Panotes
There’s a bake off happening with a whole mess of guest characters!
Chapter Four: Carnival of Chaos
Collecting Issues 17-23.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant by Ble Art

The guys go to a normal circus. Yup, nothing weird here. The group decides to go to a carnival, but it does not go as planned. They meet up with an old fried…or is he a foe? He’s a foe, totally a bad guy.
- Cover A – Regular Cover by JB Panotes
Earf has been transported back into to a carnival in 1920’s Germany. Bernard and Larry are there and they don’t really like him too much. Will Earf survive? What will he do to get out of this time period?
- Cover A – Regular by
It’s like so far in the future it everything is all cyberpunk and futuristic and stuff. K-Dizzle meets up with the own of the bar Syn’s Wet Whistle and the twin sisters SMT and KBT who have issue with their local tyrant Larry and his henchmen Bernard. Will she help them overthrow his tyrannical rule?
- Cover A – Regular by
What could a guy who loves booze and women want more than to spend some time in the wild west? Penicillin probably. Calvereena meets up with Blinky and his crew, Syn and her friends, all to talk about the mayor of Cobstown who is trying to capture their souls.
- Cover A – Regular by

It’s the time of the caveman and Jonly shows up to try and teach them equality and diversity. Ok, that’s not true, he shows up and tries to figure out why he is there. The inhabitants of the town are not who they firs tapper as, and they have a prisoner that we all know and love.
- Cover A – Regular by
Everyone is back at the carnival with Jeffers to face off against Larry and Bernard in what will turn out to be in the top 10 epic battles the group has ever seen!
- Cover A – Regular by
Cobs ending…
Chapter Five: Schnea! Bless You!
Collecting Issues 17-23.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
- Cover B – Variant by Ble Art
We are back in time and in the Forest Land of Schnea!
- Cover A – Regular Cover by
Earf has been transported back into to a carnival in 1920’s Germany. Bernard and Larry are there and they don’t really like him too much. Will Earf survive? What will he do to get out of this time period?
- Cover A – Regular by
Syn and KD have a romance…kinda.
- Cover A – Regular by
24 pages, in 24 hours, with Jonly Nonly. Take One. This was reworked and use as Jonly Nonly #4 – Story Time With Jonly.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III

24 pages, in 24 hours, with Jonly Nonly. Take Two. This was reworked to be Jonly Nonly #8 – The Search For Jeffers
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
24 pages, in 24 hours, with Jonly Nonly. Take Two. This was reworked to be Jonly Nonly #10 – Nothing is Sacred
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III

A special in celebration of co-creator Kaylie for Christmas 2017.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III
We all have some issues with our brain not listening…right?
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III

An entire comic made with cookie men. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
- Cover A – Regular by J Horsley III