The reason for all of this madness. y2cl, originally called y2christ-lite started out like most great thing do, a joke. I wanted to break into comics in my early 20’s so I started writing and drawing my own epic super-hero story called y2christ Com-X. The X makes it edgy. All the characters in the story were loosely based of my friends, cause apparently I lacked imagination when it comes to creating characters back then.
The main character of the series was Dylan who had a superhero alter ego with the moniker of y2christ. Why that moniker? Cause that was my friend Dylan’s AIM username. I had a character based on me, but he was very much background. There was also a gay prostitute named Jay that was also loosely based on me. Take from that what you will. I go way more into detail in the books, but that’s all that’s important for now. Why do I tell you this? Well y2christ became y2christ-lite cause I wanted to make a web-comics.
Instead of being a super-hero comic, y2christ-lite would be more of as slice or life comic about me and my friends. Generally the same cast, but not super-heroes. You got Dylan, Nick, Kepa, Tim, and JN. Later one we would get Garret (and laster his second gay penis, Melvin),Syn, SMT, K-Bot, Bernard, TheJesusTriplets, and so many more. They would go on zany adventures. There would be random jumps in what they did. There was hardly continuity cause I didn’t care about that. I just wanted to make jokes and draw. So that’s what I did. I dropped the name to just y2cl around 2009 or 2010.
What came of this was THIRTEEN YEARS (2003-2016) of insanity. I had no idea what I was doing. I wanted to make a Thrice Weekly webcomic, simply cause I like the word Thrice. Could I keep up with that schedule? Nope. Did I get sporadic with updates and some months update all the time then vanish into the night others? Yup.
Currently (2025) I am in the process of updating the old comics to have better lettering, removing some of the really dumb jokes and getting them back up on the site. IF you click that fancy link up there to jump to the archives you can see what I have done. Or I guess you could also just click this long sentence to see them as well.
About from The y2cl-Verse
The main comic and story line. Tells the tale of The Gang, Larry & Friends, The Jesus Triplets and the Zombies. These four sub stories make up the whole main storyline. The four interact in small ways but all effect each other more directly then the other sub-comics.