Stolen Ideas started as a joke with Jon from AltConvos. He posted a series of comics on his site, so I blatantly stole them and posted them on mine (re-doing the artwork). Stolen from Alternative Conversations was the birth of an idea. I did the three in 2010 and then didn’t tough the idea again until 2015! I let it sit for five years before letting it float like the beautiful bird it is.
Stolen Ideas takes other peoples ideas and twists them. I take other peoples comics and write new text on them. I take peoples artwork and make jokes on it. I take written works from other people (poems, stories, songs) and put my own artwork to it. The whole idea is to put a separate spin on something that is already out there. Everything I “steal” is from a creator I respect and enjoy their work. This is sort of my twisted way to share their work with everyone.
Oh, everything I steal I have permission from the creator to use. If you want me to steal your shit and make fart jokes about it, let me know!