y2cl-Daily was an attempt in 2016 to release a hand drawn, inked, lettered and sometimes colored comic strip every day for a full year. They have been broken out into 20 page themed issues for your reading pleasures and released every other month. At the end of each year they are collected into a volume that you can puck up that will contain six whole issues. 

Volume 1 (2024)

Released: January 2024

We all get a little anxious. J Horsley III spent a year doing daily hand drawn comics on Instagram and now we’ve collected them into themed books. The first one tackles Anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Great way to start a series, right? get the heavy stuff out of the way first!

Buy this issue at SpoilerVerse.com here.

Released March 2024.

We all have that lingering question “Am I an asshole?” This book aims to help you answer that question.

Buy this issue at SpoilerVerse.com here.

Released May 2024.

Disquietude (noun) – a state of uneasiness or anxiety.

Who say’s you can’t learn something from these comics? we learned something putting it together! That J Horsley III doesn’t know how to shut up about his feelings. Or how to take them seriously.

Buy this issue at SpoilerVerse.com here.

Released July 2024

Have you ever bought a y2cl-Daily book and thanked yourself cause it’s the greatest y2cl-Daily book you could possibly imagine? No? Well this may be it!

Buy this issue at SpoilerVerse.com here.

Released September 2024.

Apparently I spent a lot of time using this series as a diary to work through things. Here’s a book full of that kind of stuff.

Buy this issue at SpoilerVerse.com here.

Released November 2024

You know how it’s a trend in mainstream comics to do cover swipes, or homages to classic comic covers? Well we did that, but with our own little spin on it.

Buy this issue at SpoilerVerse.com here.

Released January 2025

Collecting issues 1-6.

Volume 2 (2025)

Released: January 2025

During the initial run of y2cl-Daily in 2016, I would take suggestions from the readers as well as answer questions. It’s a fun way to not have to think of content. Enjoy!

Released March 2025.

You want to learn what happens behind the scenes with y2cl-Daily? Well this book kinda does that, we think.

Released May 2025.

Who doesn’t like true stories? J Horsley III promises all of these are 100% true or your money back*!

*no refunds.

Released July 2025

Ahh man, more anxiety stuff? You’d think this guy would get some therapy and work it out. What’s that? He says these comics are his therapy? That’s sad. Or cool? You decide.

Released September 2025.

Don’t talk politics at the dinner table. Talk about them on the internet with strangers so you can yell at them and call them nasty names. Like a true American.

Released November 2025.

A family y2cl-Daily book? What is this? Oh, it’s me, mys FIVE kids, and amazing wife, all working together to make a comic. You should know he forced them to be a part of this. They are comic creators by force. AND THEY LIKE IT.

Released January 2026

Collecting issues 7-12.

Volume 3 (2026)

Released: January 2026.

We all love a good pop culture reference, so why not collect all the ones from this series into a book? Well, here you go anyway.

Released March 2026.

It’s fun to learn! Take a moment to learn about what all this stuff is. There will be a test at the end.

Released May 2026.

Ruh-Roh, this one gets political…again. Get yer pitchforks and storm the castle!

Released July 2026.

So many pop culture pages we had to make a second book. Enjoy this one, it’s amazing! Promise!

Released September 2026.

Since part one was such a hit, and everyone just loves learning about the y2cl-Verse, we made a part two! Should there be a part three? We could write a coffee table book on this…thought not sure who would want that much detail on the creations from J Horsley III’s mind. Unless you do?

Released November 2026.

I wanted to call this book “Holiday’s and the Gays” Cause it’s holiday comics and LGTBQ+ themed comics I made. Greg suggested “Holi-Gays”. Maybe I’ll rename it on a future printing. Anyway, this book is about various holiday themed comic strips and ones about the LGPTQ+ community.

Released January 2027.

Collecting issues 13-18.

Volume 4 (2027)

Released: January 2027.


Released March 2027.

At the end of the original run of y2cl-Daily things kinda…stopped. Find out why!

Released May 2027.

Seriously, we should all be in therapy.

Released January 2027.

Collecting issues 13-18.