He's not a pedophile! He waits for her to grow and mature. He devotes himself to her 100%! Whens he is old enough she ahs the choice to be with him or not!
But it's moot, who would turn down that level of devotion?
Pot and kettle
How old is she?
3 months, but she's half vampire so she grows at an accelerated rate!
How old is he?
16, but he's a werewolf and...
Pot and kettle
So 3 months and 16 years, did I hear that right?
Yup that's right!
How is he not a pedophile again?
*face palm*
Did you just say face palm?
Published On: May 26, 2009

Twilight 2: Age is a number

Another Twilight comic. Kettle is a pretty big fan of them sparkling vampires. So is my wife. Does this mean I am referring to my wife as Kettle and myself as Pot? I think that might be reaching a little to far into it.

Today’s y2cl pimp-a-delic comic: Least I Could Do by Sohmer & Lar.

Check it out, leave them a comment saying I sent you there. There are cookies.

6 thoughts on “Twilight 2: Age is a number

  1. And this is a series for teenage girls or tweeny boppers? Sheesh…..

    1. it is, but it was written m=by a Mormon and tries so hard to be a ‘hip’ and ‘cool’ supernatural story.

      but fails.

  2. Also- not only is he 16 but the author describes him as appearing more in his 20’s…
    another strike against the pederast.

    1. agreed. My wife and I debated this point over and over about Jakob being a pedophile (or paedophile I was informed).

      I mean, if a 16 year old boy tells his friend that he is ‘saving himself for their newborn baby when she is old enough’ I’m pretty sure he would get beat the fuck down.

      If any of my friends said that about my daughter I’d kick their ass, even if she is a half vampire that grows at an accelerated rate.

  3. Ivan is werewolf then! Ivan tells that to all cops from now on!

    ‘She no underage! she vampire I werewolf! it ok!’

    1. Loon.

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