Published On: May 25, 2009

Twilight 1: Pedophile Werewolves

My wife is a HUGE Twilight fan. So much so that she has read all the books about 10 dozen times and even has the Bella Cullen Project on her iPod AND has plans for her and I do appear as extras in an upcoming Bella Cullen Project music video.

Today’s y2cl pimp-a-delic comic: Ripeville by Joe Kloepfer.

Check it out, leave them a comment saying I sent you there. There are cookies.

9 thoughts on “Twilight 1: Pedophile Werewolves

  1. Run J, RUN! Run while you can, man! 8)

    1. heh, we are doing it, so hopefully we make the cut and I’ll link to the video once they finish it, assuming we are left in. It should be fun.

  2. oh man as soon as I finished reading that series I immediately regretted it.

    1. just wait, this whole week is wonderful Twilight riffs! (the end of the series will be my greatest triumph of jokes ever)

      1. I’m excited!?

        1. me too. Now to figure out how to make that comic FUNNY.

  3. Ivan likes Twilight, it makes Ivan happy

    1. Ivan, did you know you are in Night at the Museum 2?

  4. Ivan likes pot and kettle! They remind him of home!

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